We were very excited about her birthday today! But we couldn't really do anything special. Bailey and I had MDO and Grant had worked late last night. After Grant got off work he went and got Bailey a special surprise! She walked into the living room and found her Elmo balloon! I didn't even know it was there. She LOVED it! She has been talking to Elmo and told him bye when we left for school and when we went to play outside.
Grant also got a piece of cake for Bailey to enjoy. She's a sweets-loving girl just like her mama. Especially anything chocolate!
She was NOT happy when it was all gone! She kept asking for more cake.
That's how our birthday girl's day has gone. She'll get a bath soon and then settle down for the night. We're saving her birthday present for her actual party, so she'll have to wait to play with that.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Birthday girl!
Posted by The Todd's at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ahhhh 2 years ago...
Our precious Bailey Allison made her entrance into this world at 3:38 am. All 7 lbs, 5 oz and 19 inches of her. She was a little stinker in my tummy and she has continued to be one! She's our precious baby girl and I can't believe she's 2!!
One VERY proud daddy!
The 1st time we saw her eyes open.
Our little jaundiced girl...I never realized just how dark (and yellow) she was until I look back at pictures.
Her very first fit at 2 days old! She was extremely angry at us for dressing her.
Finally at home!
Posted by The Todd's at 11:46 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Step 2 painting DONE!
Woohoo! I finally finished at 1:00 am. I swear it's a purple. It does have a bit of a pink tint, but it's called lilac. I think it will be very pretty once we get everything done. Next we have crown molding, painting all the trim, replacing the blinds, getting the furniture and moving her all in! Lots left to do.
I found these on the memory card. Aparently daddy took some pictures of our girl while I was in class Friday morning.
Posted by The Todd's at 1:28 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bye bye play room...
Hello princess room! I have been putting off painting her big girl room b/c it's just so hard to actually get started. Once I got started though, it didn't take long before that brown was covered!
It is primed and ready for the purple princess paint! We're going to put crown molding up too..I hate to edge around the ceiling. ;)
After the purple paint goes up, just have to move in furniture and clean out that closet again. It got a little junked up, even though I spent an entire day cleaning it a few months back. Then all her stuff needs to move over from the Pooh room. I'm ready!
Another exciting event that happened today is Bailey's birthday present came in!!! I'm very excited to get it ready for her! But she'll have to wait until Tuesday.
Posted by The Todd's at 7:39 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
December 3, 2008
should be Austin's birthday! Unless there are any complications or sickness. But we're not even going to think about that! He should be making his debut sometime that morning. Which is a little strange for me. Bailey was born at 3:38 am so I had her, then went to sleep for the night. This time I'll have him then I'll probably sleep for a while (I can't remember if I was given sleepy/pain med) But then I'll have all day! I know he'll be in the nursery for a bit, but hopefully not for too long.
My pregnancy has flown right by. I've been so busy with school, MDO, wedding shower and bachelorette party planning, birthday party planning. It's kind of nice that Austin's just "hanging out". I'm ready for him, but not really. We don't usually get to sleep all night, but we do get 4-6 hrs of straight sleep. I don't want to give that up! Not to mention that Bailey's big girl room is nowhere near ready. I need to get in gear and start painting, but I just don't feel like it. And I am not looking forward to the jealousy that is bound to emerge from my high-maintence child. I'm sure she'll be so helpful and loving, but so jealous at the same time.
Speaking of that munchkin, she has been sick. :( We're pretty sure she has hand-foot-mouth disease. She has a rash, but it's starting to clear up some. She is just extremely cranky and whiny. The past few nights she has been up until 3:30, then wakes up around 6. She hasn't been able to sleep for long without waking up crying. It's been pitiful and very trying for us due to the extreme lack of sleep. I did try some benadryl with her motrin last night, which helped her sleep better than she has in days. She's acting a little better today, so hopefully she'll continue to get better.
Posted by The Todd's at 11:58 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Out cold
Bailey has always fought sleep with everything she had. That girl does not like to just lay down and fall asleep. So sometimes I will let her play on her own until she crashes. I walked into the living room yesterday and found her like this. Sound asleep! So then I had to search for other cute sleeping pictures over the past few months.
Posted by The Todd's at 3:32 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I was tagged by Tiffany at http://heartofmom.blogspot.com/ for this Meme. In case you can't tell, I have no idea how to add a link in the "cool" way, so hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

Posted by The Todd's at 10:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our Austin
Isn't he precious? : )
Austin is growing like a little weed. I swear my tummy gets bigger every other day. He moves around A LOT! It's like he attacks me b/c he's moving so fast and so much sometimes. We go back to the Dr. next Monday and plan to set the date!
Posted by The Todd's at 5:03 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Oh yes she did
I *might* have a presentation in class tonight, so I have to be prepared either way. Which means Bailey gets to watch her favorite shows and do what she wants. It didn't last for too long and I could still see her.
About 4.5 months

Posted by The Todd's at 2:09 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
My child is a genius!
Well, not exactly, but she is inventive! She walked by me and I saw that she had put her cheerios and goldfish in her pouch on her bib! That way her food was right there with her rather than her having to walk back and forth. Yea so it's not a huge deal but I think she's smart! You may also notice the "omg mom" look I'm getting too for taking her picture.
Posted by The Todd's at 9:46 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Bailey's fashion sense
Yes I do realize I'm posting twice in one day, but oh well! She put together this ensemble a little bit ago and I just had to grab pictures. She wouldn't pose this time, but she's still just as cute.
She has one of daddy's hats on..toboggan maybe? I don't know. And she's holding up a small blankie as if it's a shirt.
She just walked past me and said "I cute" hahah. These pictures will be great during those teenage years.
These are from the other night that I just downloaded. She takes turns with carebear and elmo, feeding them in her highchair. She usually puts a bib on them.
And the other gets to sit and hold her purse until it's his turn.
And I just found elmo on the floor in the bottom of her pile with cheerios shoved in his mouth.
Posted by The Todd's at 5:19 PM 3 comments
FINALLY the zoo
Now for the last installation of vacation pics. Austin has been causing a tiny bit of trouble, so I've been a little preoccupied.
Breakfast at the hotel
Our only picture in Ruby Falls that actually turned out good.
From the tower at Ruby Falls. Daddy took this~mommy was way too scared to go up there.
The monkey at the zoo or "mommy" as Bailey calls him. She can't say monkey, so he's mommy. I'm thrilled about it.
They were pecking at each other.
This sweet little donkey would just come and stand by you waiting to be petted.
Bailey wasn't too excited about the pig.
She did pet this little guy, but ended up with lots of hair on her hands.
Posted by The Todd's at 1:31 PM 1 comments