Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning!

I think this year was the most fun to play Santa, mainly b/c Bailey was actually anticipating him.

Everything set out. As you know, the chairs are not from Santa, but we thought it would be easier for them to recognize their area.

Bailey's area


She LOVED her shopping cart. It goes everywhere with her! She flips out anytime Austin even comes near it and will pick up and put it on the couch. Daddy even set out all of her groceries in the living room so she could go shopping.

She loved her Belle dress too! It's the Holiday Belle dress, which is why it's red.

Austin played with his drum set

They both got some movies from Santa

Bailey got a penguin robe

And a bigger piggy bank, which has become her other piggy bank's mommy.

All of Austin's opened

All of Bailey's opened

Her favorite toy

His favorite toy
More Christmas coming up soon! There will be at least 2 more posts! I just know you're sitting on the edge of your seats! :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas at the Todd's

Austin's Christmas tree

Bailey's tree

Our big tree~the kids have a very hard time not "decorating" the tree. I finally told Bailey that if she didn't stop taking ornaments off that we would have to take down the tree. And Santa can't come without a tree. I don't think any more ornaments have disappeared since then.

She added her own ornament

Nativity 1

Nativity 2. This is the one that Bailey LOVES to rearrange. At least she doesn't take it to include in her tea party. And yes, that's what she did with the ornaments.
Mommy and Daddy's Christmas presents!!
Camera! And not just any camera. An awesome Canon rebel, with carrying bag, 2 battery pack, and 2 extra lenses. I don't have the slightest clue how to really use it yet, but maybe someday.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Austin's birthday party

We had a little get-together for Austin's Birthday and yes it's taken forever to get on here...sorry :(

Austin's party just happened to fall the same day that Daddy had his gallbladder taken out. We're really glad that he was able to make it home and have Austin's party as scheduled, but we hate he was in pain.

Austin had a great party, but he was a little bit tired. (For some reason, when I post pictures now it shows the text of the picture, rather than the actual picture. So they're most likely in a random order, and could even be duplicated! And it'll take too much effort to try and figure out what each picture is to add its own little caption, so you'll get it all upfront.)

He was so excited about his big gifts, and little ones for that matter! He got a carseat from Pappaw, that he thought was just another toy to climb up in. He got a cozy coupe from Nana and Papa, and his blue chair from Grandmother and Pappaw. We got him the tigger rocker. He got some clothes, puzzles, cars, and some musical toy. He has played non-stop with everything, well when Bailey actually lets him.

My cousin Kelly made his cake and I loved it! I wish I could say the same for Austin! :) He gagged just from touching it! That boy and his texture issues, I swear...

And now for the pictures:

Friday, December 11, 2009

When it rains, it pours

Ok so the title may be a bit dramatic for what all's been going on, but this is one of those "this is my blog and I'll say what I want" moments...


Well, maybe for us things have gone from a sprinkle to a steady drizzle... ?

Sooo As you know, our dear sweet boy turned 1 year old! Yay!! We had a little family dinner at O'Charleys, which is our family favorite. I got a little cake that said "Happy Birthday Austin", which of course he turned his nose up at. Hey, at least Bailey was happy about the cake. And Mommy didn't have the camera b/c it was a spur of the moment dinner, but we took some pictures when we got home.

And now for the low-down.

Austin went for his 1 year check-up on Monday. Mommy and Daddy were working, so Nana and Papa took him. He didn't get his shots b/c he was sick (fever started on his birthday :( ) Turns out he had an ear infection and some sort of viral infection. He's on antibiotics now and is feeling a lot better.

We've all known that Austin is a teeny little thing, no surprise there. His Dr. is a "wait and see" kinda guy. At previous appts he's said "he's just a small guy, we'll give him some more time, probably until about 2." Well at his last appt (10 mos~we were a month late) Austin was below where he should have been on his linear growth. (They chart their growth with some sort of line to show where they are percentage wise.) Austin has always been at 5% or less. His Dr. said that he was concerned at his last appt. So when this appt showed that Austin had only gained 4 oz, his Dr. decided it was time to check with a specialist to see if there's a reason why he's not growing. So we are being sent a referral for a GI specialist at Vanderbilt. They may find absolutely nothing, but we want to be sure.

And now for Daddy... He was admitted on Wednesday with sharp stomach pain. Tuesday night his belly swelled up like he was 5 months pregnant. They did all kinds of testing before deciding to take his gallbladder out. So it came out this morning (Sat) and he came home early afternoon. Austin's birthday party was scheduled for this afternoon and Daddy was determined to make it home in order to have it today. He's hurting pretty bad, but was still trying to help out. Because he's that awesome! But according to the Dr. there should be no more tummy pains! He just has to recover from the surgery, which shouldn't take too long.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our sweet 1 year old

Can you believe Austin is already a year old?! It's insane! This first year flew by SOO much faster than it did with Bailey.

December 3, 2008 7:37 am 7 lbs, 1 oz 19 in

Newborn photo shoot

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

1 year old!