Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No nap for mommy!

We actually left the house and went "bye-bye" today. It wasn't a big trip but a huge adventure for Bailey. She pointed out the cows, cars, "big cars", "big trucks", horsies, and the horsies that neigh (b/c aparently not all horsies say neigh) She did not stop talking!!

She thought it was so fun to go to the "ball bay" (library) and drop off books, even though we didn't get out of the car. Then she crashed HARD.

She stayed like this for about 45 minutes.

During that time Austin and I hung out and cuddled. He was exhausted, but couldn't quite fall asleep.

I FINALLY got him to sleep, put him down, got my pillow to lay on the couch and before I could even lay down, Bailey walked in the living room. So I spent a good 10 minutes cuddling with her and getting her back to sleep. Then I lay down and what do ya think happens? Yup, Austin starts crying so I gave up my hope for a nap. He slept on my chest while I played Sudoku online.