Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aren't they adorable?

There's nothing I love more than watching my angels sleep. Most likely because that's my free time~IF they're both asleep at the same time. Here lately I'll get one to sleep, work forever and get the other one asleep, then the first one will wake up. That just happened this morning and I was not a happy mommy! I had just drifted to sleep for my own nap when I heard Bailey's little feet coming to find me.

Austin is very handsy, just like Bailey was. He looks like he's thinking hard in this one. Before this he had his hand in a fist under his chin, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera.

And our Bailey...what can I say? I've posted all her crazy sleeping pictures. What I failed to mention is that I used to be a crazy sleeper like that. I fell asleep half off the bed, sitting up with my head up against something, all kinds of stuff. I would end up upside down and sideways, kinda like she is here. Her feet are resting where my head is supposed to be! She pushes her poor daddy to the very edge when she sleeps with us. But she loves to snuggle against him. The other night she snuggled up to him until they were sleeping forehead to forehead.


Angie Morris said...

That is so dang cute!